Engineering Possibilities, Empowering Progress

General Engineering


Our uncompromising work culture has made us the trusted partner for any mechanical requirements from diesel engine servicing and overhauling to gearboxes, bearing assemblies and rotary equipment. We have a committed team of intuitive technicians to support our discerning clients, ranging from on site & afloat repairs to complete overhauls in our full-service well-equipped service centers.

  • Diesel engine servicing & overhauling
  • On-site repairs
  • Afloat repairs
  • Well equipped service centers
APT Expertise  


We operate our own modern machining facility, equipped with an array of lathes, milling, boring and facing machines enabling us to take on any machining job with exceptional expertise and quality. Our machining capacity covers the full range of the spectrum from smaller products up to a maximum capacity of 5,5m diameter/ 25T on our larger lathes.


  • Lathes
  • Milling machines
  • Boring machines
  • Facing machines

In situ machining

We operate our own fleet of in-situ machining equipment ranging from 50mm diameters op to 1.5m capacity for line boring and facing. This expertise is widely used for our in-house fabrication and repair projects as well as offered as an on-site service to our clients in all sectors.

  • In-house machining
  • On-site service

Blasting & coating

We have our own dedicated blasting and coating facilities and specialized mobile equipment. Our group company AquaJets Marine Equipment owns and operates a fleet of Hydro Blasting units from 5000psi up to 42000 psi. This equipment is utilized for our own dry docking and repair activities as well as offered as a contracted service. We also specialize in internal tank blasting and coating. To complement our blasting services, we also own and operate dehumidifier equipment (12T capacity), grit recovery suction units and dust collectors. Our equipment is also offered on a rental basis.

  • Dedicated blasting & coating facilities
  • Specialized mobile equipment
  • Dehumidifier equipment
  • Grit recovery suction units
  • Dust controllers
  • Blasting equipment rental


We have a well-equipped electrical workshop with qualified technicians who have successfully completed some major projects. The workshop supports vessel new builds, conversions & repair activities, offshore & onshore industries. We have the equipment and expertise for fault analysis, service, repair & maintenance of all relevant electrical systems. We also undertake motor and generator rewinding.

  • Well-equipped electrical shops
  • Qualified technicians and electricians
  • Motor & generator rewinding

Green Ship Recycling

Increasing waste and its improper management are one of the crises that countries across the world face these days. The rise in the disposal of waste materials is alarmingly polluting the land, air and water as never before. However, the concrete efforts in the past few decades have made remarkable changes in our disposable culture and also opened doors for a number of alternatives to waste disposal. Among them, recycling has been widely accepted as one of the fruitful methods for waste management.

With the rise in awareness towards the maritime environment, there have been several changes in the process, which have given rise to a new term - green ship recycling. As a viable alternative to other methods of shipbreaking that makes negative effects on the environment, green ship recycling has been introduced across the world. As a way of responsible ship recycling, this method reduces the amount of waste and also keeps the waste materials from shipbreaking out of the beaches, reducing its impact on the environment.

APT Global Marine & Offshore Engineering, RAK has been awarded the BV certificate as Ship Recycling facility. The yard is approved & follows the protocols of EPDA, RAK government. The new yard has been operational for the activity since December 2020. Facility is 42,000 sqm. In size with an independent quay of 180 metres. APT Global is the first yard in the Middle East with the certification and goes to show the commitment of the organization to sustainability business.